The WIND project

The WINd project aims to improve workers’ skills from the non-sustainable energy sectors across the European Union through training and upskilling. WINd will tap into a significant pool of oil and gas workers to address the wind energy industry’s technical and safety skills shortage by enabling these workers to transition into the renewable energy sector.

The project will produce resources, including a modular online course and supportive materials for workers currently outside continuing vocational training programmes. It thus aims to maximise flexibility and foster equal & open access to learning opportunities regardless of demographical barriers.

WINd brings together sector experts (AEE, BZEE), consultancies (INNOVELA, PROMEA) and a university (IPVC) from 5 different countries: Spain, Germany, Belgium, Greece and Portugal.


Improve intelligence on job profile matching and skills complementarities/mismatches, to support workforce transition from unsustainable energy sectors to the wind industry.

Develop, pilot-test and deploy an innovative curriculum and a training toolkit to facilitate the integration of targeted workers in the wind energy sector.

Support VET providers to uptake and build upon the WINd training materials and learning methodologies.

Improve cooperation between VET providers and certification bodies through a blueprint for the development of a recognition scheme based on micro-credentials for transitioning energy workers.

Connect people with fewer opportunities (e.g., low-skilled technicians, individuals with low socio-economic background, residents in remote & underdeveloped areas) with energy employers through an online career support platform, to facilitate their employability in wind energy sector.